Tips to Prevent Sewer Backup

A clogged sewer line can spell disaster for your home. A sewer backup can cause flooding inside your home as well as damage your landscape. This is why it is important to keep your pipes free from items that could potentially clog your pipes.

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to take care of all the areas on your property that extend towards the street or public right of way. This means it is also the homeowners’ responsibility to keep these free from clogs or debris. Let’s review some of the things you can do to protect your sewer line.

Health Risks and Safety Precautions

A blocked sewer can cause more than just a flood in your home, it can also put your family at risk. Sewage backing up into your home can contain dangerous contaminants that could leave you and your family sick. Make sure you learn about the ways you can help avoid clogs that can lead to water coming back up the kitchen sink or toilet backing up into the shower.

Taking proactive steps such as regular maintenance, avoiding flushing non-biodegradable items, and being mindful of what goes down the drains can significantly reduce the likelihood of sewer blockages. Additionally, consider installing drain guards or screens to catch debris and prevent it from entering the sewer system.

By prioritizing proper sewer maintenance and adopting preventive practices, you can safeguard your home, protect your family’s health, and mitigate the risk of sewage-related issues.

DIY Method of Clearing Sewer Blockages:

If you are experiencing a clogged sewer, you should contact a plumber or your city right away. Some of the most common reasons for back-ups include:

Old sewer systems: Many community sewer systems can be more than 100 years old. This can make them susceptible to clogs, cracks, and other hazards.
Paired pipelines: Sometimes pipelines are combined for efficiency, but this can also lead to trouble in the event of a flood or sewage backup.
Tree roots: A tree’s roots can be as wide as the tree is high, this means a tree in your yard could easily have roots that extend to the sewer lines on the street. Keep your roots trim and under control to avoid damage.
Sanitation blockages:
These can be a result of multiple factors, but regularly are caused by paper products not being disposed of property.

If you are experiencing clogs in your home, try using a snake or plunger first, to see if the clog is minor and can be cleared on your own. If the clog is more significant, then you will need the assistance of a professional plumber who has the powerful tools to break down matter and get your pipes working again.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to preventing clogs and back-ups. Make sure to check your pipes regularly for any clogs. If you notice a slow drain or your sink gurgles but drains fine, then you may still have an issue.

Keep your pipes clear from any hazards such as grease or paper products. Do a regular check around your home to ensure there is nothing that could impede the flow of water. Remember to never let your pipes freeze. This can lead to your pipes exploding, leaving you with a mess.

Get Professional Cleaning and Repair

Keep your pipes working the way they should, with the professional cleaning and repair services offered by WaterGuard Plumbing. We help homeowners avoid costly clogs and back-ups with services that help remove debris, grease and other sewer line-blocking hazards. Contact us today for a free quote.