Why Is My Toronto Water Bill Too High?

Life is expensive enough these days so there’s no need to overpay on your water bills. There is nothing worse than opening your bill and seeing the total much higher than what you were anticipating. There are a handful of factors that can play a role in increasing the cost of water bills – some are human-made mistakes that we bring onto ourselves while others are random acts of God that we simply cannot avoid. If your Toronto water bill is too high, the experts at WaterGuard Plumbing are here to help! Continue reading to find out why this is happening and solutions on how to bring those costs back down to normal.

Meter Issues


Why is my water bill so high? A common reason why a utility bill may spike is due to an error on your water meter. These meters track and charge us for the amount of water it reports we have used. Should you notice swings in the rate and the consumption, you may have a leak on your hands; or perhaps a malfunctioning toilet or sink. Another route you can go down if you can’t seem to uncover any issues is reaching out to the City of Toronto’s water division for assistance.

You can even test your meter if you suspect it is inaccurate. Stop using all your water for a little while. Then, get a large container with precise volume measurements and fill to a specific point. Then consult your meter to see if it says the same thing. If not, odds are you’ve got some meter issues to address.

Lateral Line and Irrigation Leaks Underground 

There is a chance that one of the pipes that carry water to your home is leaking. If you think your Toronto water bill is overly high, aging pipe infrastructure could be the culprit. Should you have a leak in your lateral water supply pipe or irrigation line, a licensed plumber could quickly diagnose this and can recommend the best course of action when it comes to remedying the situation.

This is typically done via camera inspection. Keeping track of your water usage – baths or showers, toilet flushes, doing the dishes, etc. – can help uncover discrepancies in your water bill.

Leaking Pipes, Faucets, Toilets, and other Fixtures

image of water line

If you live in an older Toronto home, there’s a chance the aging plumbing fixtures are the reason for an unexpected spike in water bill costs. Check for dripping faucets, a running or leaky toilet, or even problems with your water softener.

These can all contribute to an increase in water usage. Replacing your home’s fixtures with modern, efficient fixtures can help bring down your water costs.

Seasonal Water Use Changes


A spike in water usage might not even tie back to a plumbing problem at all. Certain seasons dictate our water usage demands. For instance, if you’re a big gardener or have a pool to fill up each spring; or like to make a backyard rink each winter – these behaviors will certainly contribute to higher water bills.

Maybe you’ve been hosting house guests. An increased amount of people utilizing your water supply will contribute to a higher bill.

Increase in Consumption


Correcting some wasteful water usage behaviors can help minimize increases in our water bills. Here are some habits to break: shorter showers as opposed to baths or long showers; overwatering your lawn and garden; thawing frozen meat with running water rather than leaving it on the counter or in the fridge; using top load washing machines instead of front-loading; and washing dishes by hand rather than in a dishwasher.

Avoiding these practices will certainly help knock some dollars off your bill.

Pricing Influx 

backwater valve mechanism

It’s a good idea to monitor changes to water rates and how they correspond to the billing period if you believe your water bill is too high.

The number of days in a billing cycle can affect the price. It’s also important to understand how you get billed for usage – do you use a meter to track water, or do you simply pay a flat rate.

Your Solution to High Water Bills

Hopefully, this guide helped uncover why you have a high water bill. Correcting bad habits and investing in efficient fixtures can really make a dramatic difference. If you’re looking to bring down your utility costs, reach out to the professionals at WaterGuard Plumbing today!